Our new Pastor has joined us with his first sermon on Sunday, October 2, 2022, Pastor Joe Willard.  Pastor Joe comes to us from Welsh Neck Baptist Association where he was the Director of Missions.  Come and see and hear a great sermon.

Mr. Otis Lawhon is our Minister of Music and has been serving the Lord here many years. His sacrificial service is a great asset to our church. He is always willing to lend a helping hand when asked. The choir can always us others to sing for the Lord’s glory especially more men. Come join us as see how great God is through music.

Mr. Otis Lawhon: Minister of Music


Mrs. Dianne Todd has been our Administrative Assistant for many years now and is always a helpful person. When you get to know her you will fall in love with her sweet spirit. She is always ready to help with office needs that you may have. Come by to visit us, we would love to get to know you better.

Mrs. Dianne Todd: Administrative Assistant


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